


/ / Top 5 Most Dangerous Cities for live of the World

The crime statistics of world's five most dangerous cities are disheartening and shocking. With such high rates of homicide, robberies and violence these cities deservedly bear the names of 'the places of chaos and death' or 'the murder capitals of the world'. Despite the scary data, some of them still remain wanted tourist destinations, though extreme caution is strongly advised when visiting.

5. Cape Town. South Africa.

62 killings per 100 000 residents

Cape Town

Crime has been a major problem in South Africa (both for locals and travelers) for many years now, and the murder and robbery statistics loom large in today's society.
The "good" news is that the number of killings declined by 3.4% to around 18 000 (sic!) between April 2008 and March 2009. Still there are 50 murders a day in South Africa. The latest data shows that there have been 71,500 sexual offenses (10% increase), 18,400 burglaries (27% increase), and 13,900 business robberies (41% increase) reported from April 2008 to March 2009. If it's any consolation, the street robbery declined by 7% to 72,194.

The beautifully located Cape Town is among the most dangerous towns in the country due to its high level of robberies, rapes, kidnappings and murders. The city is about the same size as Caracas and it has a murder rate of 62 per 100,000 inhabitants. According to the police, the homicides usually occur in the poorer districts and suburbs of the town rather than in upscale areas. Due to the poverty (the country has been facing a deep recession) the robberies are common. Therefore, traveling alone and using ATM's at night is not advised.

4. New Orleans. The USA.

95 killings per 100 000 residents

New Orleans

The homicide rate in New Orleans ranks way above other American cities and towns, and therefore the city has been named the murder capital of the USA. The total number of murders equaled 179 in 2008 in this small city of around 300,000 residents. Nevertheless, there have been 15% fewer killings in 2008 than in 2007 when the police reported 210 murders. Also other crime rates are dropping in the town. Rape went down by 44% and armed robbery 4.85% in 2008 in comparison to 2007.

Still, according to the FBI data there have been 95 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2008. In turn New Orleans Police Department reported 67 murders per 100,000 in 2008. A scary comparison has recently been made by the Time magazine stating that Baghdad in Iraq with its murder rate of about 48 per 100,000 people is now being safer, considering the statistics, than New Orleans.
Violent crime is a serious problem especially in the low-income neighborhoods of the town. Lonely Planet advises travelers to New Orleans to be cautious and avoid walks at night, especially if you are alone.

3. Caracas. Venezuela.

130 killings per 100 000 residents


Another unsafe destination among world's most dangerous cities is Caracas, the capital of Venezuela.
At the end of 2008 the Foreign Policy magazine called the city "the murder capital of the world". According to the official statistics there have been 130 homicides per 100,000 residents in 2008. Only in December 2008 there were at least 510 people killed in the capital, as CNN reported.

The problems of Caracas are not only drug trade and gang battles, but also increasing poverty of the city inhabited by around 4 million people. Murders mainly take place in the capital's poorest areas - between 1970s and 1990s the poverty rate increased by 300% to 65%. Although during the oil boom the economic situation improved, the poverty level remains very high.

Moreover, experts underline that the murder ratio has increased by 67% since President Chavez took control over the country. There is police abuse, no gun control, and no good control over the militias, as various media report.

2. Ciudad Juárez. Mexico

130 killings per 100 000 residents

Ciudad Juárez

Also Mexico, one of the world's greatest travel destinations thanks to its fascinating history and stunning natural sites, is, unfortunately, facing a serious problem of robbery, kidnapping, sexual assault and drug-related crimes.
Among worst affected areas in the country is the Chihuahua state and, above all, Ciudad Juárez. The city located across the U.S and Mexican border, home to 1.5 million people, has recently got a very bad reputation due to its shocking rates of violence. Bloody and violent fighting between the drug cartels have spread across the town, posing a serious threat to locals and travelers.

Since January 2007 there have been 8330 drug-related murders reported in Mexico, of which 50% accounted for Ciudad Juárez. The city reports 130 murders per 100,000 inhabitants (as of August 2009), which is currently the world's highest murder rate ( outside the official war zone). In February 2009 the U.S. State Department announced that since January 2008 there had been 1,800 people killed in the city.

1. Mogadishu. Somalia.

No data


The governments' warnings about traveling to Somalia are unanimous: this African country remains extremely dangerous and there is an enormous risk to anyone's security due to the threat of terrorism, clan-based and ethnic fighting as well as high level of kidnapping and piracy off the coast.

The epicenter of this brutal crimes and cruelty is Mogadishu, Somalia's capital. The city has been devastated by the ongoing civil war. As of 2008, around half of the city's population (0.5 million) have left the war-torn capital, according to the United Nations. Dozens of people are wounded every day in Mogadishu, and frequent bombings kill many of civilians. No one really knows how many people have been killed in the city, but without dispute Mogadishu remains the most lawless and dangerous city in the world. This is how BBC describes the everyday scenes in Mogadishu: "The crump of mortars; the crackle of gunfire; eerily empty streets; prowling guerrillas and looters; sprawling refugee camps; hospitals overflowing with casualties, their bodies smashed open by bullets, shells and shrapnel...".

Since the overthrow of President Siad Barre in 1991 one million people have lost lives in Somalia due to the civil war and famine.


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49 коментара

  2. This list is complete bullshit. It must be so difficult to just make a list up.

  3. Johannesburg in South Africa is 5 times more dangerous than Cape Town and on a par with Somalia. With random shootings, rapes and torture, all part of the crime spree.
    The police are so incompetent and are also part of the problem-

  4. i agree with one thing,mogadishu is the most dangerous city in the world now for 20 yrs or from somalia and i cant go to mogadishu..i like the fact you have 'no data' cuz that only happens when no one can go there..

  5. Johannesburg is a hopeless city to visit for travellers , broad daylight robbery's are common and you are not safe walking down the main market in day time.

  6. AnonymousMay 09, 2010

    The list is definitely wrong; it's looking at murder rates only. This is the real data:

  7. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    it is not true. Johanessburgh is more dangeros than Cape town.

  8. AnonymousMay 11, 2010

    No doubt Ciudad,Juarez Mexico is the Most Dangerous city in the world, with a corrupt goverment thats involve with the cartels so far this year there have been almost 3,000 people killed with no soloution in site, 2010 can be the deadliest year i predict 10,000 will be killed.

  9. AnonymousMay 14, 2010

    well i never know that Juarez Mexico was dangerous city

  10. AnonymousMay 17, 2010

    mexico city and ciudad juarez are the worst cities to live because you could get your wallet or necklace stolen without you noticing

  11. AnonymousMay 25, 2010

    i rate Mogadishu to number ONE, its a place where everybody met, warlords, al qaeda,criminals, and bulshit creators

  12. AnonymousMay 27, 2010

    yea cd juarez has to be #1 or 2. i used to live in el paso and i was even scared to go passed downtown.

    also why do they have a picture of el paso instead of cd. juarez

  13. AnonymousMay 28, 2010

    I know cd.juarez is the most dangerous city in the world I live in el paso and evry one is scared to go there and ya why is there a picture of el paso texas there el paso texas is one of the top 10 safest city in the united states so what the heck

  14. AnonymousJune 08, 2010

    never heard about san pedro sula in honduras ?

  15. AnonymousJuly 17, 2010

    Where is Rio?

  16. AnonymousJuly 18, 2010

    Brazil, South America

  17. Hi,itz really horrible.....bring tears into my eyes.

  18. AnonymousJuly 28, 2010

    just hopeless and pathetic cities in disarray.

  19. AnonymousJuly 30, 2010

    Juarez is the most dangerous city in the world capetown is pretty bad new Orleans is okay in the quarter- everyone plays with the statisitc i know 5 peoe who visited cape town inb the past 4 years al got robbed and all said they would return because it is physically oje of the most beautifull citiesin the world the future is south africa buy siouth africans etf-s flash

  20. la vem um brasileiro imbecil querendo colocar o rio na lista.

  21. Johannesburg could be dangerous but also worth visiting. Very friendly people, amazing food, and good casino's:P

  22. this list is not accurate , upon true statistics and facts , Baghdad still must be within the top 3 most dangerous cities in the world

  23. I live in Caracas my whole life and its not so bad but theifs will kill you for your Blackberry but its still great.

  24. what about central Africa? Congo?

  25. ciudad juarez is very dangerous i went to get my green card there and it was hell ..

  26. hands down juarez is the most dangerous city in the world. ppl drop like flies by the hour by 8pm its like a ghost town. by 9pm u can walk outside and literally come across a decapitated body almost certainly

  27. How come no one knows how to type proper grammar on this board?

  28. The funny thing is so many people bust out statistics... when really in the truly dangerous cities, there are few statistics as nothing is reported. Jo'Burg makes Cape Town look like a Saudi Compound. Life is fucking cheap in that city and you're made clear of that. Whereas Cape Town is more relaxed, way more touristy, and the police do something now and again.
    New Orleans? Come fucking on. Grozny, Phnom Penh, Kinshasa, are way worse and that's just off the top of my head. If I took the time to think about it I could probably come up with twenty other places that make New Orleans look like a fancy resort.

  29. Juarez is pretty bad. the news makes it seem worse than it really is tho. If u don't mess with them they wont mess with you. If you pull out a wad of cash you have a good chance of being kidnapped and/or killed. Gang-wise, they could make any U.S gang fall to their knees and start crying. However,I think 2011 is going to be much worse.

  30. Compton gangsters should get their shit together so they can get Compton on the list.

  31. True New Orleans just has better ways for statistics to be recorded. It is America by the way. Most murders in corrupted, poor countries won't even be recorded because of poverty, no one to pay to record the crime.

  32. Thanks for this information.I have to travel to South Africa for 3 months.I become attentive at the travel time to Capetown.Likes the post.

  33. Rio de Janeiro about 39 murders per 100,000 inhabitants. There are places in Rio, like in any other cities, that are more dangerous and places that are more safe with only 10 murders per 100,000.

  34. I have lived in New Orleans all of my life, and we are always on the receiving end of bad media coverage....sure, we do have problems with crime, just like any other American city, but certainly not nearly even comparable to Johannesburg, Caracas, Juarez or Capetown!!!! I know people from all over this country and outside of it as well, and they all say the same thing.....New Orleans is'nt even as dangerous as some other cities in America, let alone outside of this country....C'MON!!!

  35. Cape town is some what ok.Jberg is more dangerous than cape.Cape is also dangerous, especialy in Night,but worth visiting

  36. Yeah....Detroit is pretty bad, it doesn't even look like an American city anymore. It definitely is the worst city in the U.S. with the highest total murders in 2009 with 361 murders! New Orleans only had a total of 174 in 2009. It is only higher ranked than the D because they do it by total population. However, N.O. and the D probably don't even compare with some of the other cities on this list!!!

  37. The picture for Juarez includes part of El Paso, Texas, as well. The Wells Fargo builing and the Chase building that are shown,as well as all of the other houses and buildings in the front half of the picture are in El Paso, which is my hometown. El Paso is NOT nearly as dangerous as Juarez is, despite the fact that they are bordering each other. The violence has stayed on the Juarez side, and the El Paso side is still quite safe. I think it would be nice if a picture of only Juarez was taken instead of this one, which leads people to believe that El Paso is worse than it is.

  38. please learn Sudarshan kriya from indians and teach each others. this will show you what the bad things you have and how poison will release from your body. after doing it human mind realize and turn towards peace.

  39. Verify this data and the top 5 cities bomb them till they are leveled flat..Repeat this every year till the top 50 cities are destroyed from the face of the earth. I other words fight fire with fire

  40. AnonymousJune 03, 2011


  41. AnonymousJune 03, 2011

    believe me.... Rio is the worst city for life at South America....

  42. u people have to realize that these are reported murders u have to think about the ones know one knows about because the bodies are floating away in the ocean or in concrete or buried in the desert and imma go with rio or tha whole in belize(dont know the actuall name of the city just the slang boy was born in belize and said theres people sitting on the roof with ak's waiting for cops to come down the block

  43. i lived in detroit...... it is the worst

  44. johannesburg might be more dangerous than cape town but it does not beat its murder rate.the gang violence on the cape flats is so bad that people get murdered everyday in large numbers.its like a warzone on the flats people are so use to waking up to gunshots

  45. Glasgow is 100 times worse

  46. I believe New Delhi 100 tines worst. Popular Rapist City. Cant get out after 7pm 8n many areas.

  47. I hate racists,fuck u all to those who think niggers a better off locked up.

  48. I hate those who think niggers a better off locked up.Wake up white boys niggers a taking over.
