I think possibly that the below dog owners either have to much money or to much time on their hands. Most people love their dogs if they have a heart, but I kind of think that this is kind of going a bit to far, after all, there are a lot of people out there with worse houses than some of these!
1) Paris Hilton's Dog House
Not for Paris Hilton herself, but set in the grounds of her Beverley Hills home for her beloved pets. This 300 square foot dog house cost the Hilton family a tidy $325,000. It features faux designer doggie products from designers such as" "Jimmy Chew", "Pawda", and "Chewy Vuitton".
2) Ultimate doggie luxury.....
This modern style dog house set a Gloucestershire surgeon back £250,000 for her two beloved Great Danes. Main features of the property include temperature controlled beds, automatic dispensers of chilled and filtered water, air-conditioning, a spa, a 52 inch plasma TV, and a retina scanner installed at the front door to stop any other dogs getting in.
3) Stuttgart Dog House
"Come on in, we have a lot of business and politics to discuss in the brandy room."
4) Dusty's cottag
It was hard work getting on the property ladder, so as you can imagine Dusty is one happy chap in this detached cottage set in a rural location. Not bad for a first buy I must say.
5) Detatched Single Bedroom
Hey, this is nicer than my house!?
6) Humble Home
"How long do I have to sit here for?"
7) Southwestern style Doggie House
"Grrr.....who put these bricks in front of my doorway? Damn kids."
8) 2 storey detatched hous
Its good for Christmas, when you have extra relatives over you can just shove them in here.
9) Mini Mansion
"Jeeves, could you fetch my Bentley?"
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