Weird Stuff
Siriraj Medical Museum in Bangkok - embalwed children, siamese twins etc.
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Baby with arms and legs cut off
Ballsack infected with elephantitis. It was about 3 feet across
Some sort of disease?
Awww, they're kissing.
Head has a bullet wound in it. Cut in half so you can see the path of the bullet.
If he's so smart, how come he's dead?
Arm and leg run over by car
Sshhh...baby's sleeping
Harlequin baby.
Baby cut in half
The museum is located in a hospital and I accidentally wandered into the morgue, or "dissection room". Just a pile of bodies.
Nobody seemed to care a kid with a camera was just walking around the morgue
I think these are arms?
Cafe outside the museum, because dead babies always make me hungry
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